Pafta Bul - Koordinat Dönüşümü

by GISLog Studios



You can query this information by accessing the layout information listed below.- 1/25000- 1/50000- 1/100000You can also view the maps you have queryed on the map or you can access the map information from another location on the map. You can also access the information of the middle meridian in 3 degree and 6 degree slice from your current position.You can set the coordinate display to degree minutes in seconds or decimal. You can change the slice range to 3 degrees or 6 degrees. The application does not only work with geographical coordinates, but also provides coordinate information in the ED50 datum.Finally, you can save your layouts and add notes for these layouts.Dont forget to comment and give 5 stars if you like the app.In case of any problems with the application, you can contact [email protected].